Keep dust out of your computer

Dust is an issue with PCs and Servers. Why you may ask? It causes issues with cooling and could clog up and may even stop a fan from moving. Which in turn can harm your system.

I was thinking to myself how can I prevent this? You really can’t prevent this (since dust can come in from anywhere), however some case manufacturers include a “filter” already in the case. Its not a hepa filter per say, but it will help keep the dust out the PC case (for the most part). However I needed one for my existing cases.

I looked online, and I couldn’t find any computer filters. So I was looking around in the hardware store and found just a AC filter works great. Just put in the in the front of the case (under the plastic) and it should help out quite a bit. Its cut to fit, and it looks like it can fit in a number of different cases (based on the size of the filter). A single layer should be fine or you could also do a double layer, but I still wanted air to come in the case freely. Thats why I picked a single layer.

Now if you have dust in your case already, blow it out with compressed air. This is the most efficient way to do it. You can try to vacuum, but it doesn’t pick up everything and its too bulky. If you have a floppy, don’t blow the dust (since it builds up on the outside) into it since it can cause issues with the drive internally. Just wipe it down and remove it.

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