More Snow…

Oh joy, more snow on the way for the east… Didn’t we get enough already 🙁

Accuweather: Snow occurring on Feb 25 | Feb 26. Total amount 7.2 Inches.

Noaa: Expect accumulations to range from 12 to 18 inches.

So we will soon see….

HP EX495

I know this has been out for a while now, but it seems to be pretty cool especially if you have (or want) quite a bit of storage on your network. My only concern though, if any is the HD that they include with the system. Granted Seagate is a good brand, but lately they have been having issues with firmware, and even the drive itself.

Looks like I maybe saving for a new “toy” for the end of the year 🙂

UPDATE: Mustang for Sale

Well, I only received maybe two or three emails regarding the Mustang on Craigs. After thinking things though, I realize its maybe a bit too much, so therefore I am going to keep the car for now. Its still young, and it has plenty of power. Who knows – I may mod it even more…lol… 😛

PS I guess I can try ebay, but I don’t think that would help either…