Server upgraded

Well, as soon as Ubuntu 12 LTS came out – I knew I would have to upgrade from 10.04 LTS. I tried from ssh, and since I did this before without any issues, I figured I would do it again. However, I ran into issues.

For one, my /boot was filled up with older kernel images so I could not install the upgraded kernel. My mistake for not keeping on top of this, but it should of auto deleted the older ones.

Secondly, the SSH connection dropped – which means I could not see what was being prompted to me. I managed to do a reconfigure on the packages that need to be configured, and I was all set to go.

But in the end, I started fresh with a new install just in case other things went wrong in the configuration.

Luckily this is a VM, so I could make snapshots and not worry about recovery and etc 🙂