UPDATE: Laptop search continues, or has it ended?

Well, I returned the Dell. I called up customer care and told them my reasons and they basically said “no problem we’ll take it back”.

Now I have my new 15in MacBook and I also picked up complete care to go along with it. Now I know the Apple doesn’t have accident protection (which really stinks by the way), and some other really cool features of the E4300, but I have to admit it sure looks good.

My only problem right now is finding a good case since I don’t want anything to get scratched. Oh well, thats the least of my worries for now. I have other more important things on my mind – job, paying bills, and etc.

On another note, I have been using a MacBook at work for nearly 2+ years now and it hasn’t failed me yet *knock on wood*. Lets hope this one has the same reliability… 🙂