Internet Explorer 6

Well, I always been a big fan of Firefox for the longest time, and I still am. However some things don’t really like Firefox and I have been hesitant to upgrade IE6 since it just “works” a good percent of the time at work (web application issues). However it appears I may have no choice to upgrade. A few sites, from what it sounds like, are going to stop supporting IE6, and if thats the case – I am going to have my hands full upgrading a bunch of machines to IE 7 or 8.

Windows 7 RTM?

This week Microsoft has there WPC09 conference.

Today is day 2 an I was hoping to hear from Ballmer about Windows 7 RTM. However nothing has been said about it yet and I was very confident that it will be released the 13th or the 14th. However things never turned out as planned, and as the Windows Blog stated:

We are close, but have not yet signed off on Windows 7. When we RTM you will most certainly hear it here. As we’ve said all along, we will RTM Windows 7 when it’s ready. As previously stated, we expect Windows 7 to RTM in the 2nd half of July.

Oh well, it looks like we have to wait a bit more…hehe 🙂

iPhone 3G S Battery

Well, after using the phone for about a few weeks, I noticed some battery issues people have been talking about. Of course it depends on use, but I think it still does pretty decent job for a device this small, and powerful. In short, I am very happy with this device, and I am happy about the purchase. I just wish the 3G was better in my area, but you can’t get everything you want these days… (picture was taken at another location)
